Wow! 3rd March 2012 time flies so fast...Now, the time has come..
MY WEDDING DAY! so, excited, nervous, scared, happy all in me now. I can't believe the person that i hated most now become my hubby..hahaha, my friend told me don't simple hated people especially guy, or else you will end up marrying him..it's a curse! LOLs, I laugh when I heard this statement but its true now its happened to me. But knowing him is a biggest treasure that I ever received from God. I love him so much. Sometimes, I laugh to my self what we have been through this past 3 years. There is sweetness and bitterness in it but we still hold to one another. Now, I'm officially become Mrs. Chin and a wife lor, bye bye to "Ms" say hi hi to "Mrs". I'm so happy. Thank you my hubby for everything! :)