Thursday, May 17, 2012

my passion :)

In life, a lot of people try to find something which make them glad. It's a real quest for certain which isn't always put an end, but in the contrary case, people find a passion, it could be for example music, drawing, nature, cooking, makeup, nail art...I am going to present mine: nail art!

I'm starting to do nail art after my wedding. It suddenly pop up in my mind that I want to do nail art. I like to polish my nail with different color and it make me feel young. Haha, just kidding. I learned how to do nail art from online and from picture. Its easy and now I'm learning how to do Konad nail art.

As a conclusion, I think people must have a passion in their life to bloom theirself. Having their own passion can fill their free time and the same time can earn extra income.

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